Effective Communications a little-used weapon in the fight for the bottom line
Released on = May 31, 2006, 9:29 am
Press Release Author = MHW Communications
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Helen Wilkie, author of \"The Hidden Profit Center\", illustrates how poor communication adds to financial costs as well as frustration levels.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/31/2006
Effective Communications: a little-used weapon in the fight for the bottom line
Helen Wilkie, author of \"The Hidden Profit Center\", says poor communication adds to financial costs as well as frustration levels.
TORONTO, CANADA - June is Effective Communications Month, a good time for companies to stop and consider whether poor communication is costing them money. According to Helen Wilkie, professional speaker and author of \"The Hidden Profit Center\", it adds up to millions of dollars every year.
\"Poor inter-personal communication costs companies enormous amounts of money through lost time, lost business and lost people,\" says Wilkie. She cites long, boring, unproductive meetings as an example of lost time. According to Wilkie although almost everyone compains about meetings, very few consider the financial impact of all that wasted time.
Wilkie also sees a sales appointment as an exercise in communication, and points out that untold sales are lost because sales people speak in their own jargon, often completly baffling prospects and failing to illustrate the value of what they are selling. This adds up to millions of dollars, and most companies don\'t even try to measure the cost.
Wilkie says poor communication is also at least partially to blame for the increasing levels of workplace stress. \"If someone is talking on the phone, replying to e-mail and listening to someone talking in front of their desk all at the same time -- which isn\'t unusual -- don\'t you think they might be stressed?\" she asks. In exit interviews, very few people mention the stressful \"noise\" of poor communication as their reason for leaving a company, but Wilkie claims it is often a contributing factor.
To celebrate Effective Communications Month by drawing attention to these costs, Wilkie is offering a special package price on her book, \"The Hidden Profit Center\", and her booklet, \"99 Tips to Improve Your On-the-job Communication\". Details at http://www.mhwcom.com/pages/communicationmonth.html
Helen Wilkie is available for interview about communication in the workplace. Direct line: (416) 966-5023 Email: hwilkie@mhwcom.com Other helpful information can be found at: http://www.mhwcom.com
For More Information Contact:
Helen Wilkie hwilkie@mhwcom.com http://www.mhwcom.com 416-966-5023
Web Site = http://www.mhwcom.com
Contact Details = Helen Wilkie
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